The Approach

Finding and keeping high calibre talent is one of the most important challenges facing any agency that wants to grow and innovate, or any company that wants to build a communications function that creates real value. Way Partners' approach to this challenge is strategic, and intelligence led.

What is Great Talent?

 People ask what makes a great candidate. A more effective question is what makes a great candidate for us? This is where the conversation starts, and the brief begins to take shape. There is no single answer. It depends on the culture of the business, where the firm is at in its development life-cycle, and what it is trying to achieve.

Setting a clear brief that is focussed, but also flexible, is the foundation of any effective recruitment process, and the beginning of your ability to find great, game changing talent.

Way Partners will help you define what you are looking for, and why, and what the challenges will be in finding and landing the expertise needed. We help shape your story and tell it credibly and compellingly in the talent market.

What is an effective recruitment process?

Working with a grown-up recruitment partner is demanding. It takes commitment, honesty and time to build the trust that creates an effective partnership.

It starts with the brief – where are we, what are we trying to achieve, what kind of individual will help us get there.

The most efficient processes are set up by investing time at the front end – really getting to know the business and the objectives, setting a clear brief and then telling that story in the talent market credibly and honestly.

If this work has been done well, when we get deeper into the process; to interviews and offer stage, the chances of success are greatly increased.

The key is to find the intersect where the objectives and culture of the business overlap clearly with the aspirations and character of the candidate.

It takes hard work to get there, but it feels great when you do! More importantly it’s this alignment that sets up sustainable success, and creates long-term value.


How many times have you met people who have been recruited into a job that turns out to be less that the one they were “sold”? Expensive and time consuming, a massive drag on growth and profitability, it happens all too often. But when we take the time and discipline to find the right person, for the right reasons, recruitment becomes a key driver of competitive advantage and growth.


Tel: 07841 989 178

X: @jondurrant72
Linked iN: Jon Durrant Way Partners